One month on from Japan quake, volunteers provide safe space for kids

🌸 One month on from Japan quake, volunteers provide safe space for kids 🌸

One month after a devastating magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit the west coast of Japan, volunteers from the non-profit organization Katariba are creating a safe and comforting environment for children in a Suzu city school classroom. These dedicated individuals engage in activities such as playing cards, various games, and even reading alongside the children. It is important to note that some of these kids are still residing in evacuation centers, where recreational opportunities are limited.

🌟 Good Thing #1: Emotional Support 🌟
The presence of these compassionate volunteers offers much-needed emotional support to the children who have experienced the trauma of the earthquake. By engaging in activities and spending time with them, the volunteers help create a sense of normalcy and provide a safe space for the kids to express their feelings.

🌟 Good Thing #2: Mental Stimulation 🌟
Playing cards, games, and reading together not only provide entertainment but also stimulate the children’s minds. These activities encourage cognitive development, creativity, and critical thinking skills, helping the kids maintain a positive outlook and engage in educational experiences despite their challenging circumstances.

🌟 Good Thing #3: Social Interaction 🌟
By interacting with the volunteers and participating in group activities, the children have the opportunity to socialize and build connections with others. This fosters a sense of belonging and community, which is crucial for their overall well-being and resilience in the face of adversity.

Remember, even in the midst of difficult situations, there are always bright spots. The dedication of these volunteers and the positive impact they have on the lives of these children is truly heartwarming. 😊💛