Revolutionary Study Uses Grand Theft Auto and AI to Transform Dog Pics into 3D Models

Revolutionary Study Uses Grand Theft Auto and AI to Transform Dog Pics into 3D Models

– The study from the University of Surrey and Grand Theft Auto is award-winning
– Dog photographs can now be used to create 3D models with unprecedented accuracy
– This technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries, such as animation and virtual reality

Hey buddy! 🐶 Did you hear the amazing news? A groundbreaking study has found a way to turn dog pictures into 3D models using Grand Theft Auto and AI! Here are 3 awesome things about this news that you’ll love:

– The study is award-winning, which means it’s recognized for its innovation and impact
– Now, you can create incredibly accurate 3D models of dogs just by using their pictures
– This technology could change the game for industries like animation and virtual reality, opening up new possibilities for creativity and innovation

Isn’t that just mind-blowing? 🌟 So exciting to see how technology continues to push boundaries and create new opportunities!