US President Joe Biden is actively working to improve the H-1B visa process and green card backlog. The White House has taken actions to enhance the H-1B visa process and address the backlog for lawful permanent residents eligible to become US citizens. The Department of Homeland Security has published a final rule to strengthen the immigration system and reduce potential fraud.

US President Joe Biden is actively working to improve the H-1B visa process and green card backlog. The White House has taken actions to enhance the H-1B visa process and address the backlog for lawful permanent residents eligible to become US citizens. The Department of Homeland Security has published a final rule to strengthen the immigration system and reduce potential fraud.

🌟 Good things in the news:

  1. Improved visa process means easier access to work opportunities for skilled individuals.
  2. Addressing green card backlog provides hope for those waiting to become US citizens.
  3. Strengthening the immigration system can help prevent fraud and ensure fair processes for all applicants.